Acropora Location Database - Data Downloads The Fish and Wildlife Research Institute(FWRI), in partnership with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), host the current Acropora sp. database. This page provides a short description of each layer with links to Federal Geographic Data Clearinghouse (FGDC) compliant metadata and zipped shapefiles and Google Earth-compatible KMZs for download. The datum for all files is NAD83, using a customized Albers projection, in meters. The zipped shapefiles provided below can be uncompressed using shareware programs Winzip or IZArc. ArcGIS Explorer Desktop, a lightweight GIS data viewer, can be used to view these shapefiles. A free copy of ArcGIS Explorer Desktop may be downloaded from the ESRI Web site. Many GIS data layers have been converted to Google Earth files for easy viewing within the free Google Earth viewer. Google Earth requires an Internet connection. In order to view these must have Google Earth installed on the computer you are using. If you do not have Google Earth, you can download it from the Google Earth web site. Google Earth requires an Internet connection, so if you do not have one, you will not be able to view these files. If you do and Google Earth is installed on your computer, you can simply click on the highlighted links below and choose "open" when you are prompted. Be aware that while every attempt is made to keep the shapefiles and Google Earth KMZ files concurrently updated, the user should check the explanatory detail contained within each KMZ to confirm the concurrency of the datasets. Current Inventory GIS point shapefiles of recent sampling locations for the absense or presense of A.cervicornis or A.palmata species of Acropora. Sampling site dates of these shapefiles are the most current data available. The shapefiles are a spatial representation of information gathered in the NOAA Acropora Database, which provides information on the presence and absence of Acropora corals. All Locations: Florida Keys: Puerto Rico: South East Florida: U.S. Virgin Islands: |