General Area Regulations:
All general laws and regulations relating to wildlife and fish shall apply unless specifically exempted for this area. Hunting or the taking of wildlife or fish on this area shall be allowed only during the open seasons and in accordance with the following regulations:
1. Any person hunting deer or accompanying another person hunting deer shall wear at least 500 square inches of daylight fluorescent-orange material as an outer garment, above the waistline. These provisions are not required when hunting with a bow and arrow during archery season.
2. Taking of spotted fawn, swimming deer or roosted turkey is prohibited.
3. It is illegal to hunt over bait or place any bait or other food for wildlife on this area.
4. Driving a metal object into any tree or hunting from a tree into which a metal object has been driven, is prohibited.
5. No person shall cut, damage or remove any natural, man-made or cultural resource without written authorization of the landowner or primary land manager.
6. Taking or attempting to take any game with the aid of live decoys, recorded game calls or sounds, set guns, artificial light, net, trap, snare, drug or poison is prohibited. Recorded calls and sounds can be used to hunt furbearers, wild hog and crows.
7. The wanton and willful waste of wildlife is prohibited.
8. Hunting or fishing is prohibited on any portion of the area posted as closed to those activities.
9. Taking or herding wildlife from any motorized vehicle, aircraft or boat, which is under power is prohibited until power, and movement from that power, has ceased.
10. Most game may be hunted from ½ hour before sunrise until ½ hour after sunset (see exceptions for each season).
11. The release of any animal is prohibited, except by permit from FWC or the written authorization from the landowner or primary land manager.
12. The skull plate with any attached antler, if applicable, shall remain with any harvested deer. The head and beard, if applicable, shall remain with any harvested turkey. See Florida Hunting Regulations handbook for details.
13. The planting or introduction of any non-native plant is prohibited, without written authorization of the landowner or primary land manager.
14. Wild hog may not be transported alive.
15. A hunting license is not required to hunt wild hog.
16. Littering is prohibited.
17. It is unlawful to set fire to any forest, grass or woodlands.
18. A Law Enforcement Officer may search any camp, vehicle or boat, in accordance with law.
19. Falconers may hunt during the statewide falconry season anytime this area is open for public access. Crows may be hunted during the first phase of crow season only.