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Coauthor a story

You can collaborate with other members of your organization when writing and publishing stories. These workflows follow the actions allowed by the standard roles and permissions in ArcGIS:

  • Administrators can edit, publish, update sharing, and delete your stories.
  • Members of groups with update capabilities can edit your stories, but they cannot publish changes, change the sharing, or delete your stories.

It is recommended that you do not have multiple authors edit a story at the same time. You must manually manage the collaboration work to ensure only one person at a time works on a story to prevent lost work.

Use the following steps to allow other members of your organization to edit your stories:

  1. Have your administrator create a shared update group and add you and your coauthors as members of the group.
  2. Open the story's item page in ArcGIS.
  3. Click the Share button to share the story to the group created in step 1.

All members of the group can now make edits to your story. They can find the story on the Shared with me tab of their Stories page, or you can share the story link with them. When members of the group view the story, they can click the Edit story button in the header to open the story builder.


The collaboration workflow described above also applies to collections.

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