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Publish a collection


Creating collections is a beta feature in ArcGIS StoryMaps. For more information about beta features, see FAQ.

Like stories, collections are authored in a private builder environment. During the collection creation process, a collection is automatically saved in a draft status. These drafts are only visible to the author and others with administrative privileges in your organization. Publishing is the process that moves a collection from draft status to published status and enables sharing it to a broader audience and the Present view. When a collection is published, the following things happen:

  • The builder checks for issues related to the sharing settings of any ArcGIS content used, such as apps and stories added to the collection item.
  • The collection is made accessible to your selected audience: Private, My organization, Everyone (Public), or groups.
  • For collections that are shared with everyone, summary information about the collection is made available to search engines and social media platforms.

Use the following steps to publish a collection:

  1. Click Publish in the collection builder header.
  2. Choose the audience for your collection: Private, My organization, or Everyone (Public). Optionally, you can also choose to share the story with people in specific groups through the Group settings section.

    The publishing process begins, and the builder checks for any stories or apps that are not shared at the required level and would not be visible to the selected audience.

  3. If any stories or apps are not shared with the same audience as the collection, you are prompted to share the items that are not already shared with the audience you selected.
    • If you have permissions to share these items, click Yes, share these items and the builder automatically updates the sharing for the items.
    • If you choose not to share the stories or apps, or do not have permissions to share them, click Continue without changing and these unshared items are replaced with placeholders for members of your audience who do not have permissions to view them.

The collection is published and available to the selected audience.