{ "currentVersion": 10.81, "id": 0, "name": "Environmentally Sensitive Areas - Southeast United States, PR and USVI", "type": "Feature Layer", "description": "These data have been created to represent areas that are environmentally and economically sensitive to oil and hazardous material spills. These data were originally created and assembled by the NOAA Scientific Support Coordinator for US Coast Guard District Seven in circa 1992-1993 in cooperation with local Area Committees in accordance with regulations set forth by the National Response Plan of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990. They were provided to FWC-FWRI (Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission - Fish and Wildlife Research Institute, (at that time known as the Florida Marine Research Institute) in the fall of 2003 as shapefiles (in geographic, decimal degrees, NAD 83 datum) and PDF maps for each of the US Coast Guard's Marine Safety Office Areas of Responsibility (Captain of the Port Zones for Miami (at that time consisting of both Sector Miami and Sector Key West), Tampa, Jacksonville, Savannah, Charleston, and Puerto Rico/US Virgin Islands).\nIn the Fall & Winter of 2003, FWC-FWRI map-joined all of these shapefile data layers into a single contiguous layer, then converted the data into a Microsoft Access database for updating. In the Winter & Spring of 2003-2004 FWC-FWRI updated contact information and other attribute data to expand and improve upon the database so it could be used as a core business data layer for the Marine Resources Geographic Information System (MRGIS) library. Using various spatial coding functions, such as \"assign data by location\", additional attribute information has been added to the spatial database. Some examples are: The NOAA Nautical Chart the point can be found on, the USGS Quad the point can be found on, the Environmental Sensitivity Index map the point can be found on, the Latitude & Longitude in two data formats (Decimal Degrees and Degrees, Minutes, Seconds (with special characters for each unit), and others. These data were maintained as a part of the MRGIS Library and used with report generating software to update the information as needed for the creation of new printed \"Oil Spill Sensitive Site\" record documents for spill contingency planning and response purposes.\nIn March of 2007, FWC-FWRI partnered with USCG Sector Mobile (part of USCG District 8) to catalog the oil spill sensitive areas within the Sector Mobile boundary, which includes the Panhandle of Florida, coastal Alabama, and coastal Mississippi. Work had previously been performed in a workshop environment to identify and catalog these areas, but NOT in a spatial manner. FWRI began this work by systematically geocoding the previously identified locations and entering the attribute information that was available into the same database structure that was in place for USCG District 7 (as mentioned above). The goal was to create a consistent dataset for the southeastern United States and Puerto Rico/US Virgin Islands. Once the basic geocoding was complete, a workshop was scheduled and key stakeholder agency representatives were invited to attend and review and augment this dataset for Sector Mobile. This workshop was at the end of March 2007 and working group members were recruited from the Area Committee and those key stakeholders recommended by the Area Committee.\nThrough the years of 2008-2009, FWC-FWRI partnered with the US Coast Guard and Florida Department of Environmental Protection - Bureau of Emergency Response to conduct a series of workshops to review and update these detailed Geographic Response Plan (GRP) data and maps for revised Digital Area Contingency Plans. As with Sector Mobile, the GRP Revision workshop attendees were from or determined by the specific Area Committee of each Sector. Please see process steps for more information about the history of the data.\nThe process of data entry is ongoing at FWRI as of July 2011. Data will be entered and undergo quality assurance/quality control processes before new data sheets and maps are re-produced for distribution and inclusion into Digital Area Contingency Plans and other GIS and/or map products. A versioned geodatabase has been created in SQL/SDE to track changes and manage data entry as well as digital QA/QC processes, such as consistency checks. A map service has also been created that is available to all the public and stakeholder community to view the latest version of this geodata. The map service displays data directly from the Enterprise versioned database.\n\nThese data are used in BOTH a spatial manner and in the traditional database manner. The spatial version is used to produce response maps and in a GIS (The Florida Marine Spill Analysis System and Digital Area Contingency Plans) to provide timely, accurate, and valuable information to responders and in the traditional database manner to populate reports used in producing area contingency plan maps and data sheets. Maps are produced (as PDF) with the sensitive area sites depicted on them, they are then \"hyperlinked\" in PDF to the data sheet that contains the attribute data for the site in a customized data report form. The report form contains information on key stakeholders for the area, wildlife resources to be protected, nearby staging areas, recommended protection strategies, the latitude/longitude of the site, and other response related information needed by first responders. 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