{ "currentVersion": 10.81, "id": 14, "name": "Coral Colony Disease Index (FRRP)", "type": "Feature Layer", "description": "The dataset includes Taxonomic richness (# of genera and species combined), intensity of bleaching, and disease prevalence, and an index of reef resilience (see VanWoesik and Burman 2012) of benthic stony corals collected from multiple habitat types across the south Florida shelf from St. Lucie Inlet to Biscayne Bay for years 2005 through 2014. The data were collected during synoptic broad-scale surveys of coral reef and hard-bottom habitats that were stratified into sub-regions or along-shelf positions (e.g., Biscayne, SEFCRI and various habitat types (e.g., patch reefs, low relief hard-bottom, high-relief spur and groove, etc.). A 200m x 200m polygon grid was used to overlay onto existing bathymetry and benthic habitat maps of the study area, and a two-stage stratified random design was used to select sites for sampling from various strata combinations of cross-shelf habitat type, along-shelf position (i.e. region), and management zone (http://frrp.org/).Attribute Fields:MetricDescriptionBatchBatch codeSiteSite codeLatitudeLatitude (decimal degrees)LongitudeLongitude (decimal degrees)SubregionGeographic subregion categoryZoneReef zone categoryHabitatHabitat categoryDepthAverage depth of survey (meters)RegionGeographic RegionN_TaxaTotal number of Taxa (genus or speciesNC_SumNumber of coral colonies summed from two transect surveysBI_MeanAverage number of bleached (partially or totally bleached) coloniesDisTot_SumDisease prevalence (Number of total diseased colonies)ColDensTotal number of coral colonies per squrare meterN_TransNumber of transectsSBIIBleaching Index (0=no bleaching - 3=all corals bleached)SDIIDisease prevalence Index (Total number of disease colonies per square meter)Area_m2Area (square meters) surveyedDensClassCoral Colony Density Index (# per square meter)SBII_ClassSite Bleaching Intensity IndexSDII_ClassSite Disease IndexRRIReef Resilience Index", "geometryType": "esriGeometryPoint", "sourceSpatialReference": { "wkid": 4326, "latestWkid": 4326 }, "copyrightText": "Map creation: Christopher Jeffrey, Ph.D (CSS-Dynamac at NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science). Data were provided by The Nature Conservancy http://frrp.org/data/).", "parentLayer": { "id": 11, "name": "CORAL" }, "subLayers": [], "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 0, "drawingInfo": { "renderer": { "type": "classBreaks", "field": "SDII", "classificationMethod": "esriClassifyStandardDeviation", "minValue": 0, "classBreakInfos": [ { "symbol": { "type": "esriSMS", "style": "esriSMSCircle", "color": [ 164, 255, 115, 255 ], "size": 6, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0, "outline": null }, "classMaxValue": 0.3712215913017717, "label": "0 - 0.4", "description": "" }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriSMS", "style": "esriSMSCircle", "color": [ 113, 207, 62, 255 ], "size": 6, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0, "outline": null }, "classMaxValue": 0.848230462730938, "label": "0.5 - 0.8", "description": "" }, { "symbol": { "type": "esriSMS", "style": "esriSMSCircle", "color": [ 72, 161, 24, 255 ], "size": 6, "angle": 0, "xoffset": 0, "yoffset": 0, "outline": null }, "classMaxValue": 1.3252393341601043, "label": "0.9 - 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