{ "currentVersion": 10.81, "id": 19, "name": "Percent Coral Cover", "type": "Feature Layer", "description": "Benthic data were compiled from a variety of sources for the SEFCRI region for this layer. The main data source was from a recent FDEP study that conducted a power analysis to understand the level of surveying needed to detect change of certain benthic types including stony coral, soft coral, and sponges (Fauth 2012). This dataset was acquired and updated with the latest information for monitoring stations and other large surveys that took place since. FRRP data were downloaded from TNC\u2019s website from 2005 \u2013 2014. Percent Cover was calculated by determining the area of stony corals as a percentage of the surveyed area. This likely overestimated percent cover because colony areas outside the survey transect were measured and included. SECREMP and Broward monitoring data were updated with 2013 data. Several quantitative surveys for mapping efforts were included. Martin county mapping (2011), Town of Palm Beach nearshore mapping (2014), and SE FL Nearshore Benthic habitat mapping data (2013) were all added. The anchorage sites for the FDEP Port of Miami study were added. Coral density was calculated where possible with the data in hand. Because all studies did not use consistent survey methods there are a number of considerations. In studies where certain information was not collected, those columns received a value of \u201c-9\u201d. This is the integer equivalent to Not Applicable. 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