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 "description": "Descriptive inventory of public access boat ramps throughout Florida, derived from raw data produced during the Florida Boating Access Facilities Inventory and Economic Study, FWC contract Number 04/05-23, product delivered August 30, 2009. This data set is modified from the original format and supplemented by additional data maintained by FWC. These data will eventually evolve into a planned integrated boating access facilities inventory system. This data set is a selection of facilities from the raw data set that the contractor identified to be in operation and accessible to the general public during the time of data compilation. This data set includes both government managed facilities accessible to the general public and commerciality operated facilities accessible to the general public. In both cases a fee might be charged for use of the facility. The attribute fields included in this data set are a subset of those available in the raw data set. These attribute fields were selected and modified to present only attribute information that might be of most interest to the general public desiring to use these facilities. This modified data set is meant to be an interim data set for public dissemination until a more robust database application is constructed to provide interactive access to the original data via web services. Currently these data are considered preliminary and are not verified by FWC as to accuracy and completeness.",
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 "copyrightText": "Funded by a grant from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Program awarded to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. The overlying project is titled Florida Boating Access Facilities Inventory and Economic Study. Original data compilation conducted under sub-contract to the Urban Harbors Institute at the University of Massachusetts through contract number FWC 04/05-23 and product delivered August 30, 2009. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, and Lee County commissioned the body of work from which these data are derived. The University of Massachusetts at Boston Urban Harbors Institute was lead contractor. Bordner Research Associates conducted field inspections. The project was commissioned in 2005 and titled the Florida Boating and Access Facilities Inventory and Economic Study.",
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