HQW (High Quality Waters) is a supplemental classification intended to protect waters with quality higher than the minimum state water quality standards. These waters are rated as excellent based on biological and physical/chemical characteristics through Division monitoring or special studies. Waters which have the "HQW" supplemental classification have HQW specific requirements. (NOTE: Class items that have a '/' and a second or third class indicate areas with multiple classifications or areas where the zones for different classifications overlapped.)
SA, WSW, & WTR: Waters with at least as stringent protection requirements as HQW, and therefore are considered to be HQW by definition. These waters include those classified as WSW (WS-I or WS-II water supply watersheds), SA (Shellfishing Areas), and WTR (Wild Trout Waters).
ORW (Outstanding Resource Waters) is a supplemental classification intended to protect unique and special waters having exceptional state or national recreational or ecological significance.
Wildlife Resources Commission Wildlife Resources Commission staff, Jim Borawa 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27604
NCCGIA Acting Director, Tim Johnson Database Administration, Zsolt Nagy Database Management, Ken Shaffer Project Manager, Cheryl Pearce North Carolina Center for Geographic Information and Analysis Governor's Office Office of State Planning 301 North Wilmington Street, Suite 700 Raleigh, NC 27601-2825