ocean.floridamarine.org - /efh_coral/pdfs/FMPs/
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3/2/2004 3:38 PM 2168588 action_reef_final.pdf
8/18/2005 2:56 PM 1123334 Amend15FINAL1104_3.pdf
1/9/2004 12:43 PM 3860009 Amendment 1 to Spiny Lobster FMP for the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic 1987.pdf
1/29/2004 11:25 AM 984023 Amendment 1 to the FMP for Coral and Coral Reefs 1990.pdf
1/26/2004 11:10 AM 3503788 Amendment 1 to the FMP for the Snapper Grouper Fishery of the South Atlantic 1988.pdf
1/26/2004 11:20 AM 1618790 Amendment 12 to the FMP of Coastal Migratory Pelagics (Mackerels) in the Gulf and South Atlantic 1999.pdf
1/26/2004 10:57 AM 2144375 Amendment 2 for the FMP for the Snapper Grouper Fishery of the South Atlantic 1990 (Jewfish).pdf
1/9/2004 12:09 PM 2603180 Amendment 2 to Spiny Lobster FMP for the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic 1989.pdf
1/29/2004 11:20 AM 8177836 Amendment 2 to the FMP for Coral and Coral Reefs of the Gulf and South Atlantic 1994.pdf
1/26/2004 10:48 AM 2934270 Amendment 3 for the FMP for the Snapper Grouper Fishery of the South Atlantic 1990 (Wreckfish).pdf
1/29/2004 9:28 AM 16245415 Amendment 3 to the FMP for Coral, Coral Reefs, and LiveHard Bottom Habitats 1995.pdf
1/12/2004 10:42 AM 6628258 Amendment 5 for the FMP for the Snapper Grouper Fishery of the South Atlantic 1991 (Wreckfish).pdf
1/27/2004 11:28 AM 1134725 Amendment 5 to the FMP of Coastal Migratory Pelagics (Mackerel) 1990.pdf
1/27/2004 11:19 AM 5055386 Amendment 6 to the FMP of Coastal Migratory Pelagics in the Gulf and South Atlantic 1992.pdf
1/27/2004 11:05 AM 2348639 Amendment 7 to the FMP of Coastal Migratory Pelagics in the Gulf and South Atlantic 1994.pdf
1/27/2004 10:55 AM 6426985 Amendment 8 to the FMP of Coastal Migratory Pelagics in the Gulf and South Atlantic 1996.pdf
1/26/2004 11:30 AM 4790102 Amendment 9 to the FMP of Coastal Migratory Pelagics (Mackerels) in the Gulf and South Atlantic 1998.pdf
11/26/2016 11:26 AM <dir> appendices
1/16/2004 11:00 AM 7343229 Atlantic Coast Red Drum FMP 1990.pdf
5/18/2004 8:07 AM 13845347 Barnette_gear.pdf
10/9/2004 7:47 AM 197922 CMP_History.pdf
1/28/2004 1:27 PM 13077344 Comprehensive Admendment Addressing EFH in FMPs of the South Atlantic 1998.pdf
1/29/2004 11:58 AM 18100039 Comprehensive Admendment Addressing Sustainable Fishery Act 1998.pdf
5/5/2003 4:45 PM 2368598 Copy of WFS documentation.pdf
6/9/2004 9:22 AM 1392062 CruiseReportDelwareII04-07(SABMPAs).pdf
5/6/2004 10:00 AM 157515 discardreport01_03.pdf
8/17/2004 10:31 AM 18944 Document_Table.xls
5/27/2004 10:10 AM 83027 DolphinWahooFinalRule.PDF
3/10/2004 2:54 PM 1699361 DSC_occurrences.pdf
10/30/2003 3:26 AM 2472307 DW FMP FEIS 1 7 03FINAL.pdf
10/30/2003 3:26 AM 16405536 DWAPPEN.pdf
5/12/2004 9:41 AM 476911 Ecosystem_Approaches_to_Fisheries_FAO.pdf
5/27/2004 10:35 AM 120381 efhprime.pdf
1/28/2004 11:32 AM 9711284 Final Amendment 1 FMP and EIS for Coastal Migratory Pelagics (Mackerels) in the Gulf and South Atlantic 1985.pdf
1/16/2004 11:25 AM 12254960 Final Amendment 1 to the FMP for the Shrimp Fishery of the South Atlantic (Rock Shrimp) 1996.pdf
1/27/2004 12:02 PM 4466253 Final Amendment 3 to the FMP of Coastal Migratory Pelagics (Mackerels) in the Gulf and South Atlantic 1989.pdf
1/9/2004 1:19 PM 15515497 Final Amendment 4 for the FMP for the Snapper Grouper fishery of the South Atlantic 1991.pdf
1/27/2004 11:41 AM 3295913 Final Amendment 4 to the FMP of Coastal Migratory Pelagics (Mackerels) in the Gulf and South Atlantic 1989.pdf
1/23/2004 2:17 PM 15466951 Final Amendment 5 to the FMP for the Shrimp Fishery of the South Atlantic (Rock Shrimp) 2002.pdf
1/16/2004 12:32 PM 15774659 Final Amendment 7 for the Snapper Grouper Fishery of the South Atlantic 1994.pdf
1/23/2004 1:51 PM 16159342 Final FMP for the Golden Crab Fishery of the South Atlantic 1995.pdf
1/28/2004 12:12 PM 14875525 Final Regulations for Coastal Migratory Pelagics (Mackerels) 1983.pdf
10/21/2003 6:28 AM 2041692 FINAL SGAm13 A 102003.pdf
4/12/2005 1:31 PM 2467261 FINALSGA13A102003.pdf
8/18/2005 3:02 PM 1043073 FinalShrimpAm2496.pdf
5/27/2004 10:37 AM 35022 fishparts.pdf
1/28/2004 12:59 PM 11413859 FMP for Spiny Lobster in the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic 1982.pdf
1/15/2004 11:51 AM 15584008 FMP of the Snapper Grouper Fishery of the South Atlantic 1983.pdf
1/26/2004 11:43 AM 5113886 Framework Seasonal Adjustment #1 Under the FMP for the Golden Crab Fishery of the South Atlantic 1997.pdf
10/9/2004 7:47 AM 100687 GoldenCrabFMP_History.pdf
5/6/2004 10:00 AM 88233 kingmackereldiscardreport2nd.pdf
8/18/2005 3:02 PM 917511 Mack14AmendmentFINAL.pdf
8/18/2005 3:05 PM 10642453 MackerelAm13final.pdf
2/20/2004 7:51 AM 2797722 mpaphdoc04.pdf
8/30/2002 7:59 AM 225848 NURPAUV.pdf
3/21/2003 9:41 AM 175177 Okey & Pugliese…_4_p167-181.pdf
5/13/2004 9:00 AM 194511 RegionalApproachestoHAPCs.pdf
1/9/2004 12:23 PM 1973653 Regulatory Admendment 2 to the Spiny Lobster FMP for the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic 1993.pdf
1/12/2004 11:14 AM 3942311 Regulatory Admendment 6 for the Snapper Grouper Fishery of the South Atlantic 1994.pdf
1/28/2004 11:02 AM 2233223 Revised Amendment 2 to the FMP of Coastal Migratory Pelagics (Mackerels) in the Gulf and South Atlantic 1987.pdf
4/16/2003 3:14 AM 2492001 Sarg FMP&FEIS11 6 02.pdf
10/14/2003 11:31 AM 53419 SargFinalrule.pdf
3/26/2004 2:40 PM 61729 SG#13A Final Rule.PDF
8/18/2005 3:05 PM 2113066 SHAm6FinalPDF121604.pdf
10/9/2004 7:47 AM 168530 ShrimpFMP_History.pdf
8/18/2005 3:05 PM 69604 SpinyLobsterAMEND3.pdf
1/16/2004 3:11 PM 14722240 Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation Report for Golden Crab 1999.pdf
1/15/2004 12:30 PM 28409475 Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation Report for King Mackerel, Spanish Mackerel, and Cobia 1999.pdf
12/24/2003 12:13 PM 16796807 Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation Report for Spiny Lobster.pdf
1/29/2004 1:38 PM 23002765 Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation Report for the Shrimp Fishery of the South Atlantic 1999.pdf