Water Quality Protection Program (WQPP) Steering Committee
August 11, 2022
**Update: This meeting has been changed to virtual participation only.**
Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary's Water Quality Protection Program (WQPP) will meet on Thursday, August 11, 2022 at 9:00 - 4:00 pm. This meeting will be hosted virtually via GoToWebinar.
Meeting registration Infomation
Please RSVP/register in advance for the meeting at GoToWebinar:Register for meeting ID: 104-798-395
Meeting Instructions & Parking Info
Public Comment: Verbal public comment is limited to three minutes and will be accepted at 3:20 PM. In order to provide verbal public comment, participants must join the webinar online. Participants can sign up to speak by typing "public comment sign up" and their name in the webinar question box at any point before public comment begins.