Water Quality Protection Program (WQPP) Steering Committee
November 29, 2023
Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary's Water Quality Protection Program (WQPP) Steering Committee will meet on Wednesday, November 29, 2023 at 9:00 am - 1:00 pm (audio check will commence at 8:45 am for committee members and speakers). This will be a virtual meeting using GoToWebinar.
Meeting Regristration Information:
- Please register in advanceat https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7003237493089485402The Webinar ID is 155-008-283. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
- Public Comment:Public comment will be accepted at 12:25 pm. In order to provide verbal public comment, participants must join the webinar online. Participants can sign up to speak by typing "public comment sign up" and their name in the webinar question box at any point before public comment begins.
Supporting Meeting Materials:
- Agenda
- March 9, 2023 Meeting Notes
- March 29, 2023 Meeting Notes
- Water Quality and Roadways Resolution (passed by the WQPP Steering Committee on March 9, 2023)
+Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Five-Year Work Program - Lucero
Florida Keys Coastal Storm Risk Management Project - Vianzon
Monroe County Road Elevation Project Update - Haag
Coastal Projects Submerged Habitat Database - Walters
Impact of Shallow Wastewater Injection in the Florida Keys - Kump and Ingalls