Florida Fish and Wildlife
Conservation Commission
Fish and Wildlife
Conservation Commission
100 Eighth Avenue SE
St. Petersburg, Florida 33701
Partial funding for this project was obtained through the Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Fund.
This guide contains maps of Lake Worth Lagoon that depict main channels, seagrasses, artificial reefs, state parks, and boat ramps open to the public. Also featured is information on habitats and animals, popular sport fish, boating safety and protocols, and a resource directory. This guide should not be used for navigation. The Boating and Angling Guide to Lake Worth Lagoon was produced by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. We welcome your comments and inquiries. Address them to:
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Fish and Wildlife Research Institute
100 Eighth Avenue S.E.
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Maps designed by Henry Norris and Marcia Colby, Fish and Wildlife Research Institute; Guide designed and produced by McShane Communications, Inc., Tampa, FL. This Guide was produced by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Advisory Council on Environmental Education and is the sole property of the state of Florida. Funding for this guide was partially provided by the Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Program which collects funds as taxes from fishing equipment and boat fuel, then distributes those funds for projects that improve fishing and boating opportunities.
Special thanks to the following organizations for their contributions to this guide:
- Florida Department of Environmntal Protection
- Florida Inland Navigation District
- Advisory Council on Environmental Education (FWC)
- U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Sport Fish Restoration Program
- Palm beach County Board of County Commissioners
- Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resources Management
- IFAS - Seagrant Program
- West Palm Beach Fishing Club
- Marine Industries Association of Palm beach County
- U. S. Coast Guard Auxiliary - Flotilla 5-4
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about this Web site, please e-mail us at
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