Oyster Integrated Mapping and Monitoring Program
Workshops and Resources
Oyster Integrated Mapping and Monitoring Program: Workshops and Resources
The Oyster Integrated Mapping and Monitoring Program (OIMMP) is funded by Florida’s State Wildlife Grants (SWG) Program in order to support the study of high priority coastal habitats
and meet requirements of the State Wildlife Action Plan. OIMMP's goals include bringing together representatives from oyster mapping and monitoring programs across the State in order to
increase communication, minimize duplicate efforts, and identify data gaps, needs, and priorities. As a result of this effort, a statewide technical report on the status of oyster reefs
in Florida was published in 2019.
2019 OIMMP Report for the State of Florida
OIMMP was modeled after the Seagrass Integrated Monitoring and Mapping Program (SIMM) and the Coastal Habitats Integrated Mapping and Monitoring Program (CHIMMP).
Coastal Habitat Integrated Mapping and Monitoring Program
Seagrass Integrated Mapping and Monitoring Program
Show 2022 OIMMP/FORS Workshop Presentations
2022 OIMMP/Florida Oyster Recovery Science Workshop
2022 Workshop Agenda, Attendees, and Resources
2022 Workshop OIMMP Presentation
2022 Workshop Presentations
Topic: Florida Oyster Recovery Science (FORS) Working Group
Presenter: Katie Konchar, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Florida Oyster Recovery Science (FORS) Working Group
Topic: Inventory of oyster restoration projects in the Gulf of Mexico
Sandra Brooke, Florida State University
Inventory of Oyster Restoration Projects
Topic: Central Panhandle Aquatic Preserves oyster restoration
Presenter: Megan Christopher, FDEP Central Panhandle Aquatic Preserves
Central Panhandle Aquatic Preserves Oyster Restoration
Topic: Mapping & condition assessment of oysters in the Pensacola Bay System: Where are they now?
Presenter: Haley Gancel, Pensacola and Peridido Bays Estuary Program
Oysters in the Pensacola Bay System
Topic: Oyster density on varying artificial reef substrates and elevations in Tampa Bay, Florida
Presenter: Savanna Hearne, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Oyster Density on Varying Artificial Reef Substrates
Topic: Manatee River oyster habitat restoration
Presenter: Damon Moore, ESA
Manatee River Oyster Habitat Restoration
Topic: Seventeen years of C.E.R.P. baseline
Presenter: Steve Geiger, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Seventeen years of C.E.R.P. baseline
Topic: Oyster monitoring in Tampa Bay
Presenter: Nicole Maloney, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Oyster monitoring in Tampa Bay
Topic: Conducting habitat suitability analyses to identify optimal oyster restoration locations along the Florida Gulf coast
Presenter: Ryan Gandy, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Conducting habitat suitability analyses
Topic: Intertidal oyster monitoring at GTM Research Reserve
Presenter: Pamela Marcum, Guana Tolomato Matanzas NERR
Intertidal Oyster Monitoring at GTMNERR
Topic: Assessing the impact of mangrove-driven acidification on intertidal oyster reefs
Presenter: Katherine Harris, University of Central Florida
Mangrove-Driven Acidification on oyster reefs
Topic: Non-plastic materials for oyster reef and shoreline restoration in Florida
Presenter: Annie Roddenberry, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Non-plastic materials for oyster reefs
Topic: Oyster spat monitoring in the Southern Indian River Lagoon and St. Lucie Estuary
Presenter: Sarah Cole, Florida Oceanographic Society
Oyster Spat Monitoring in the Southern IRL
Topic: Oyster mapping guidance document
Presenter: Corey Anderson, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Oyster Mapping Guidance Document
Topic: Guidance for monitoring oyster reefs in Florida
Presenter: Steve Geiger, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Guidance for Monitoring Oyster Reefs in Florida
Topic: Developing ecosystem service-based oyster management for Florida
Presenter: Ed Camp, University of Florida
Ecosystem Service-Based Oyster Management
Topic: Patterns in oyster shell biomass in Suwannee Sound
Presenter: Jamie Casteel, University of Florida
Oyster Shell Biomass in Suwannee Sound
Topic: Roughness metrics as indicators of oyster reef health
Presenter: Michael Espriella, University of Florida
Roughness metrics as indicators of oyster reef health
Topic: Oyster population responses to restoration in Suwannee Sound, Florida
Presenter: Bill Pine, University of Florida
Oysters in Suwannee Sound
Topic: Project Update: FWC oyster monitoring in Suwannee Sound
Presenter: Tomena Scholze, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Oyster Monitoring in Suwannee Sound
Poster Topic: Updated oyster reef coverage in Mosquito Lagoon - 2021 Imagery
Presenter: Gabriel Benson, University of Central Florida
Updated Oyster Reef Coverage in Mosquito Lagoon
Poster Topic: Not so Basic– A look at mangrove encroachment impacts on pH landscapes across intertidal oyster reefs
Presenter: Meghan Bradburn, University of Central Florida
Mangrove impacts on pH on oyster reefs
Poster Topic: Ecosystem shifts and climate change: Mangrove recruitment on oyster reefs
Presenter: Paul Sacks, University of Central Florida
Mangrove recruitment on oyster reefs
Poster Topic: Bird interactions with novel oyster reef restoration materials using wildlife trail cameras
Presenter: Emily Suchonic and Mekail Negash, University of Central Florida
Bird interactions with novel materials
Show 2021 Horseshoe Cove and Suwannee Sound Workshop Presentations
2021 Horseshoe Cove and Suwannee Sound Workshop
2021 Workshop Presentation
Horseshoe Cove and Suwannee Sound Workshop Report
2021 Workshop Presentations
Topic: Lessons learned from the restoration and monitoring of Lone Cabbage Reef
Presenter: Tyler Coleman and Bill Pine, University of Florida
Restoration and monitoring of Lone Cabbage
Topic: Update on mapping efforts associated with Lone Cabbage Reef Restoration Project
Presenter: Brad Ennis and Mike Allen, University of Florida
Mapping efforts on Lone Cabbage Reef
Topic: Oyster mapping and monitoring resources
Presenter: Kara Radabaugh, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Oyster mapping and monitoring resources
Topic: Upcoming FWC oyster monitoring projects in Suwanee Sound
Presenter: Tomena Scholze and Ryan Gandy, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
FWC oyster monitoring in Suwanee Sound
Topic: The importance of the Nature Coast for American Oystercatchers
Presenter: Janell Brush, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Nature Coast American Oystercatchers
Topic: Imperiled salt marsh birds of the Florida Gulf Coast
Presenter: Amy Schwarzer, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Imperiled salt marsh birds of the Florida Gulf Coast
Topic: Leases and aquaculture in Suwannee Sound
Presenter: Leslie Sturmer, University of Florida
Leases and aquaculture in Suwannee Sound
Topic: Fisheries Independent Monitoring (FIM) in Big Bend
Presenter: Anthony Knapp, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Fisheries Independent Monitoring (FIM) in Big Bend
Topic: Spatial patterns and environmental factors contributing to salt marsh stress in the Big Bend
Presenter: Stephanie Verhulst, University of Florida
Salt marsh stress in the Big Bend
Topic: Seagrass status and trends in Horseshoe Cove
Presenter: Paul Carlson, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Seagrass status and trends in Horseshoe Cove
Topic: Modeling the impacts of river discharge on trophic pathways in an estuarine food web
Presenter: Dylan Sinnickson, University of Florida
Modeling the impacts of river discharge on trophic
Topic: Big Bend Seagrasses Aquatic Preserve: Horseshoe / Suwannee Region Overview
Presenter: Tim Jones, FDEP Big Bend Seagrasses Aquatic Preserve
Big Bend Seagrasses Aquatic Preserve
Topic: SRWMD Monitoring, Projects, and Priorities for Coastal Resources
Presenter: Darlene Velez, Suwannee River Water Management District
SRWMD Monitoring, Projects, and Priorities for Coastal Resources
Topic: Horseshoe Cove and Suwannee Sound: Impaired Waters Assessment Overview
Presenter: Kevin O’Donnell, Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Horseshoe Cove and Suwannee Sound: Impaired Waters Assessment Overview
Topic: McGriff Pass Dredging and Beneficial Use Placement at Cat Island
Presenter: Clayton McCoy, US Army Corps of Engineers
McGriff Pass Dredging and Beneficial Use Placement at Cat Island
Topic: Examples of Conceptual Ecological Model use in other systems
Presenter: Steve Geiger, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Examples of Conceptual Ecological Model use in other systems
Topic: Deepwater Horizon funding overview
Presenter: Gareth Leonard, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Deepwater Horizon funding overview
Topic: USFWS: Serving our coastal communities
Presenter: Tiffany Lane, Andrew Gude, US Fish and Wildlife Service
USFWS: Serving our coastal communities
Topic: Florida's State Wildlife Grants Program: Marine, Estuarine, and Aquatic Habitat Restoration
Presenter: Victoria Ruddle, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Florida's State Wildlife Grants Program
Show 2019 OIMMP Workshop Presentations
2019 OIMMP Workshop
2019 Workshop Agenda, Attendees, and Resources
2019 Workshop OIMMP Presentation
2019 Workshop Presentations
Topic: Rapid recovery of sediment nutrients in Mosquito Lagoon's restored reefs
Presenter: Bryan Locher, University of Central Florida
Sediment nutrients in restored reefs
Topic: Unexpected trends in Mosquito Lagoon: Are oyster reefs being replaced by mangrove islands?
Presenter: Giovanna McClenachan, University of Central Florida
Oyster reefs replaced by mangrove islands
Topic: Quantifying microplastic pollution in Crassostrea virginica from the Indian River Lagoon
Presenter: Casey Craig, University of Central Florida
Microplastics in oysters
Topic: Mapping oyster resources in East Bay, Pensacola Florida region
Presenter: Laura Geselbracht, The Nature Conservancy
Mapping Pensacola oysters
Topic: Update on the Lone Cabbage Reef Restoration Project in Suwannee Sound
Presenter: Steve Beck, University of Florida
Lone Cabbage Reef Restoration Project
Topic: Oyster habitat enhancement feasibility study using a multifaceted approach to site selection along Florida's Springs Coast
Presenter: Chris Anastasiou, Southwest Florida Water Management District
Oyster habitat enhancement feasibility
Topic: Testing new approaches for multiscale oyster mapping and monitoring
Presenter: Vincent Lecours, University of Florida
Multiscale oyster mapping and monitoring
Topic: Red mangroves positively influence the eastern oyster along an intertidal gradient
Presenter: Dinorah Chacin, University of South Florida
Red mangroves influence eastern oysters
Topic: Comparison of oyster growth on artificial reef substrates in Tampa Bay using in-situ methods
Presenter: Scott Adams, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Oyster growth on artificial substrates
Topic: Manatee River oyster restoration potential
Presenter: Damon Moore, Manatee County
Manatee River oyster restoration potential
Topic: Monitoring and mapping reference sites and oyster reef restoration sites near Sanibel, FL
Presenter: Eric Milbrandt, Marine Laboratory, Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation
Reference and restoration sites near Sanibel
Topic: Oyster physiology and reef ecology: the design and assessment of the Picayune restoration project, Ten Thousand Islands
Presenter: Michael Savarese, Florida Gulf Coast University
Oyster physiology and reef ecology
Topic: Oyster monitoring and restoration efforts in Apalachicola Bay
Presenter: Melanie Parker, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Apalachicola Bay restoration and monitoring
Topic: An assessment of trends in intertidal oyster populations in the Big Bend region of Florida
Presenter: Bill Pine, University of Florida
Intertidal oyster populations in the Big Bend
Topic: Success criteria and results of oyster restoration and related efforts for coastal resilience
Presenter: Loren Coen, Florida Atlantic University
Results of oyster restoration
Topic: Comparison of monitoring protocols used by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Northeast Florida Oyster Condition Assessment
Oyster monitoring comparison
Topic: Shellfish management plans from other states: can we develop best management practices for Florida?
Presenter: Steve Geiger, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Shellfish management plans
Show 2018 OIMMP Workshop Presentations
2018 OIMMP Workshop
2018 Workshop Agenda, Attendees, and Resources
2018 Workshop OIMMP Presentation
Oyster Mapping and Monitoring Resources in Florida
2018 Workshop Presentations
Topic: An overview of the FWRI oyster monitoring program
Presenter: Melanie Parker, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
An overview of the FWRI oyster monitoring program
Topic: Oyster reef mapping and monitoring to support SW Florida restoration goals
Presenter: Eric Milbrandt, Marine Laboratory Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation
SW Florida oyster reef mapping and monitoring
Topic: NRDA Oyster Cultch Placement Project: Subtidal Oyster Reef Monitoring in Three Panhandle Bays
Presenter: Katie Davis, FDEP Central Panhandle Aquatic Preserves
NRDA oyster cultch placement project
Topic: Using Side Scan Sonar to Estimate the Height of Subtidal Oyster Reefs; Does it Work?
Presenter: Jacob Berninger, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Using side scan sonar to estimate reef height
Topic: Update on the Lone Cabbage Reef Restoration Project in Suwannee Sound
Presenter: Steve Beck, University of Florida
Update on the Lone Cabbage Reef
Topic: Oyster reef monitoring and potential enhancement activities on the Florida Springs Coast
Presenter: Natasha Mendez-Ferrer, Southwest Florida Water Management District
Oyster monitoring and enhancement on the Florida Springs Coast
Topic: Status of Big Bend Oyster Populations: The View From Deep History
Presenter: Greg Herbert, University of South Florida
Status of big bend oyster populations
Topic: Natural oyster reef monitoring in central Indian River Lagoon
Presenter: Emily Dark, FDEP Indian River Lagoon Aquatic Preserves
Natural oyster reef monitoring in the central IRL
Topic: Applications of unmanned aerial systems for oyster reef mapping in the GTM NERR
Presenter: Michael Dickson, Northeast Aquatic Preserves/GTMNERR
Applications of unmanned aerial systems for oyster reef mapping
Topic: How quickly can restored oyster reefs recover biogeochemical properties?
Presenter: Bryan Locher, University of Central Florida
Oyster reef biogeochemical properties
Topic: A boring future: Impacts of boring sponge on oyster reef restoration
Presenter: Iris Fang, University of Central Florida
Impacts of boring sponge on oyster reef restoration
Topic: Tampa Bay: Planning for large-scale oyster monitoring
Presenter: Gary Raulerson, Tampa Bay Estuary Program
Tampa Bay Planning for large-scale oyster monitoring
Topic: A proposed path forward for potential large-scale oyster habitat restoration in the Manatee River
Presenter: Damon Moore, Manatee County
large scale oyster habitat restoration in the Manatee River
Topic: Florida's State Wildlife Grants Program: Oyster Restoration Funding Opportunities
Presenter: Dan O'Malley, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Florida's State Wildlife Grants Program
Show 2017 OIMMP Workshop Presentations
2017 OIMMP Workshop
2017 Workshop Agenda and Attendees
2017 Workshop OIMMP Presentation
Oyster Mapping and Monitoring Resources in Florida
2017 Workshop Presentations
Topic: GTMNERR oyster monitoring (2014-2016)
Presenter: Nikki Dix, Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve
Reference Material:
GTMNERR oyster monitoring
Topic: Investigation into the health of oysters (Crassostrea virginica) in natural and restored reefs across a latitudinal gradient in the Indian River Lagoon (IRL), Florida
Presenter: Emily Dark, FDEP, Indian River Lagoon Aquatic Preserves
Reference Material:
Oyster health in the IRL
Topic: CHNEP volunteer oyster habitat monitoring: methods for citizen scientists
Presenter: Jaime Boswell, Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program
Reference Material:
CHNEP volunteer oyster habitat monitoring
Topic: Sarasota Bay oyster habitat mapping, monitoring, and restoration
Presenter: Jay Leverone, Sarasota Bay Estuary Program
Reference Material:
Sarasota Bay Oyster Habitat
Topic: Oyster reef habitat restoration in St. Andrew Bay, FL
Presenter: Katie Konchar, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Reference Material:
St. Andrew Bay Oyster Restoration
Topic: Mapping oyster reefs using drones versus aerial photo
Presenter: Andrea Noel: FDEP, Northeast Florida Aquatic Preserves
Reference Material:
Drones and aerial photo mapping
Topic: Options for mapping subtidal and intertidal oyster reefs
Presenter: Ray Grizzle, University of New Hampshire
Reference Material:
Options for mapping oyster reefs
Topic: Rookery Bay NERR SAV/oyster mapping
Presenter: Thomas Ries, Scheda Ecological Associates
Reference Material:
Rookery Bay oyster mapping
Topic: Gulf of Mexico Oyster Restoration: Deepwater Horizon Oyster Restoration Strategy
Presenter: Laurie Rounds, NOAA Restoration Center
Reference Material:
GOM oyster restoration
Topic: Tampa Bay Oyster Target Setting
Presenter: Gary Raulerson, Tampa Bay Estuary Program
Reference Material:
Tampa Bay oyster targets
Topic: An Overview of Approaches for Mapping and Assessing Intertidal and Subtidal Oyster Habitats
Presenter: Loren Coen, Florida Atlantic University
Reference Material:
Overview of Approaches for Mapping Oysters
Statewide Oyster Mapping Resources
The Oyster Beds in Florida layer is updated as needed in order to provide the most recent maps of live oyster reef coverage across Florida. Coverage is limited to live oyster reef extent.
The Index of Oyster Maps in Florida provides a record of all available oyster maps in Florida. Maps may include coverage of live oyster reef, oyster shell, and other substrate types.
OIMMP Mapping Reports
Indian River Oyster Reef Mapping 2025
Oleta River Oyster Reef Mapping 2022
Horseshoe Beach and Deadman Bay Oyster Reef Mapping 2021
Tampa Bay Oyster Mapping 2020
Suwannee Sound Oyster Reef Mapping 2019
FWC Florida Trustee Implementation Group (TIG) Mapping Reports
Suwannee and Springs Coast Intertidal Oyster Reef Mapping 2023
Manatee River Subtidal Oyster Reef Mapping 2023
Charlotte Harbor Oyster Reef Mapping 2024
Refined Suncoast SWFWMD Oyster Reef Mapping 2024
Other Oyster Mapping Reports
2022 UNH/Substructure Suwannee Sound Intertidal Mapping
2021 UNH/Substructure Apalachicola Bay Subtidal Mapping
Harvest Data and Maps
1984 to Present Oyster Fisheries Data
1950 to 1983 Oyster Fisheries Data
FDACS Florida Shellfish Harvesting Areas Interactive Map Viewer
Monitoring and Restoration Reports and Resources
Oyster Restoration Workgroup
Oyster Condition Assessment Protocol
Oyster monitoring in the northern estuaries of SE and SW Florida Final Report 2005 – 2018
Oyster monitoring in the northern estuaries appendices: 
Oyster model inventory: Identifying critical data and modeling approaches to support restoration of oyster reefs in coastal U.S. Gulf of Mexico waters
Modeling and Restoration Reports and Resources
Moving Toward an Oyster Modeling Framework for the Gulf of Mexico:
Informing Gulf-Wide Oyster Restoration Report
Moving Toward an Oyster Modeling Framework for the Gulf of Mexico: Appendix 1
FWC Integrated Mapping and Monitoring Programs and Resources
FWC/FWRI Coastal Habitats Integrated Mapping and Monitoring Program
FWC/FWRI Seagrass Integrated Mapping and Monitoring Program
FWC/FWRI Marine Resources GIS mapper
FWC/FWRI GIS and Mapping Data Downloads
Florida Oyster Recovery Science (FORS) Workgroup Resources
The Florida Oyster Recovery Science (FORS) Working Group supports the recovery and management of Florida’s oyster habitat and fisheries with science and through collaboration.
FORS works to foster the comparability of science-based metrics, methods, and models used to recover and manage Florida’s oyster habitats and fisheries,
develop science-based guidance products, support status and trend assessments, eliminate barriers to oyster recovery, and share information with the broader community.
FORS envisions thriving oyster habitat for Florida that provides ecosystem services, sustainable oyster fisheries, and effective oyster management through plans that are science-based,
adaptable to changing conditions, and coordinated through partnerships.
FORS Guidance Series: Oyster Habitat Mapping
Comments or Questions about FORS? Contact us
Comments or Questions about OIMMP? Contact us