General Information
This website is intended to provide near real-time information on the numbers and locations of dead or debilitated (i.e., stranded) sea turtles in Florida as well as year-to-date information. This is presented by county (use the links found in the county list or in the regional list to reach a county page). On each county page is information on stranded sea turtles by week and species for the current year and by week (all species combined) for the previous year. We also include previous five-year and ten-year averages to help identify unusual numbers of stranded sea turtles.
Staff within the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's Fish and Wildlife Research Institute coordinate the Florida Sea Turtle Stranding and Salvage Network (FLSTSSN), which is responsible for gathering data on stranded sea turtles found in Florida. The FLSTSSN also rescues sick or injured sea turtles and transports them to rehabilitation facilities. More information on the FLSTSSN can be found on the FWRI website. Data on the numbers of stranded sea turtles by county, month, and species in Florida (back to 1980) can also be found on the FWRI website. FLSTSSN records can be visualized in the FWRI Marine Resources Geographic Information System. Florida STSSN data summaries from previous years are available HERE.