A Boating and Angling Guide to Nassau and Duval Counties A Boating and Angling Guide to Nassau and Duval Counties A Boating and Angling Guide to Nassau and Duval Counties
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Florida Fish and Wildlife
Conservation Commission

Fish and Wildlife
Research Institute
100 Eighth Avenue SE
St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

City of Jacksonville
Parks and Recreation

214 N. Hogan Street
Third Floor
Jacksonville, Florida

City of Jacksonville Logo

Jaxport Logo
This project was funded in part by a grant awarded by the Jacksonville Environmental Protection Board and Jacksonville Port Authority (Jaxport).

Sport Fish Resoration Logo
Additional funding for this project was obtained through the Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Fund.
Boat Ramps Banner
This ramp was visited prior to the creation of the online Boating and Angling Guide to Nassau and Duval Counties, and the information provided is current as of the survey date. If you find that the information about the ramp has changed or is incorrect, please let us know.

Ramp Name: Big Talbot Island State Park
Address: State Road A1A at Nassau River
City: Jacksonville
Zip: 32226
County: Duval
Managing Enity: Florida Department of Environmental Protection,
Division of Recreation and Parks

Phone: 904-251-2320

Survey Date: January, 2011
Ramps/Lanes: 1/1
Paved Ramp: Yes
Ramp Condition: Good
Ramp Fee: Yes
Docks: Yes
Parking: Yes
Fuel: No
Bait: No
Restrooms: Yes
Handicap Accessible: No
Picnic Area: No
Ship Store: No
Hours: 24 hours

Comments: Ramp is located just south of the Nassau River on SR A1A. Boaters should hould use extreme caution due to shifting channels and sand bars. Visitors should consult local knowledge before using these passes

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