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snippet: The purpose of the Cooperative Land Cover Map is to fill a priority data gap of Florida's State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP) for improved habitat mapping. In addition it provides significantly improved data for scrub and sandhill and priority habitats
summary: The purpose of the Cooperative Land Cover Map is to fill a priority data gap of Florida's State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP) for improved habitat mapping. In addition it provides significantly improved data for scrub and sandhill and priority habitats
accessInformation: Data compiled from multiple sources by Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Comission (FWC) and Florida Natural Areas Inventory (FNAI).
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 0
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Image Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: The Cooperative Land Cover Map is a project to develop an improved statewide land cover map from existing sources and expert review of aerial photography. The project is directly tied to a goal of Florida's State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP) to represent Florida's diverse habitats in a spatially-explicit manner. The Cooperative Land Cover Map integrates 3 primary data types: 1) 6 million acres are derived from local or site-specific data sources, primarily on existing conservation lands. Most of these sources have a ground-truth or local knowledge component. We collected land cover and vegetation data from 37 existing sources. Each dataset was evaluated for consistency and quality and assigned a confidence category that determined how it was integrated into the final land cover map. 2) 1.4 million acres are derived from areas that FNAI ecologists reviewed with high resolution aerial photograpy. These areas were reviewed because other data indicated some potential for the presence of a focal community: scrub, scrubby flatwoods, sandhill, dry prairie, pine rockland, rockland hammock, upland pine or mesic flatwoods. 3) 3.2 million acres are represented by Florida Land Use Land Cover data from the FL Department of Environmental Protection and Water Management Districts (FLUCCS).
licenseInfo: Available without restriction. Data are intended to be used for general informational and planning purposes and not appropriate for legal, regulatory and/or cadastral purposes.
title: CooperativeLandCover
type: Image Service
tags: ["Basemap","FWC","FWRI","Habitat","Land","Statewide"]
culture: en-US
name: CooperativeLandCover
minScale: 0