Description: This data layer is site-based and contains boundaries of all Florida Forever BOT projects approved by the State's Acquisition and Restoration Council as of October 12, 2012. These lands have been proposed for acquisition because of outstanding natural resources, opportunity for natural resource-based recreation, or historical and archaeological resources.
Description: This GIS data set represents mangroves in the coastal areas of Florida as mapped in the September 2003 delivery of Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) shoreline classification arcs.
Description: This GIS data set represents mangroves in the coastal areas of Florida as mapped in the September 2003 delivery of Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) shoreline classification polygons.
Description: This GIS data set represents mangroves in Florida. The data are reselected from land use and land cover data from Florida's water management districts.
Description: This class represents a subset of the Pinelands class in the FWC 2003 Florida Vegetation and Land Cover. Areas identified as Tree Plantations on private lands (using the Water Managmement Districts Land Use Land Cover data)were removed from the Pineland class of the FWC 2003 data. Additionally, pine rocklands were removed and put into a distinct category.
Description: This class represents a subset of the Pinelands class in the FWC 2003 Florida Vegetation and Land Cover. Areas identified as Tree Plantations on private lands (using the Water Managmement Districts Land Use Land Cover data) were removed from the Pineland class of the FWC 2003 data and classified as Indusrial/Commercial Pinelands.
Description: This class represents a subset of the Pinelands class in the FWC 2003 Florida Vegetation and Land Cover. This data set was originally part of a raster data set called "terr_sub" used in the CWCS Strategy. "Terr_sub" was reclassified from the 2003 Landcover data set.