| <Null> |
| 1110 - Upland Hardwood Forest |
| 1120 - Mesic Hammock |
| 1130 - Rockland Hammock |
| 1140 - Slope Forest |
| 1150 - Xeric Hammock |
| 1200 - High Pine and Scrub |
| 1210 - Scrub |
| 1213 - Sand Pine Scrub |
| 1214 - Coastal Scrub |
| 1231 - Upland Pine |
| 1240 - Sandhill |
| 1300 - Pine Flatwoods and Dry Prairie |
| 1310 - Dry Flatwoods |
| 1311 - Mesic Flatwoods |
| 1312 - Scrubby Flatwoods |
| 1320 - Pine Rockland |
| 1330 - Dry Prairie |
| 1340 - Palmetto Prairie |
| 1400 - Mixed Hardwood-Coniferous |
| 1410 - Successional Forest |
| 1500 - Shrub and Brushland |
| 1600 - Coastal Uplands |
| 1640 - Coastal Strand |
| 1650 - Maritime Hammock |
| 1670 - Sand Beach (Dry) |
| 1700 - Barren and Outcrop Communities |
| 1720 - Upland Glade |
| 1800 - Cultural - Terrestrial |
| 1821 - Low Intensity Urban |
| 1822 - High Intensity Urban |
| 1830 - Rural |
| 18331 - Cropland/Pasture |
| 18332 - Orchards/Groves |
| 1833121 - Sugarcane |
| 183313 - Improved Pasture |
| 18333 - Tree Plantations |
| 18334 - Vineyard and Nurseries |
| 18335 - Other Agriculture |
| 1840 - Transportation |
| 1850 - Communication |
| 1860 - Utilities |
| 1870 - Extractive |
| 1880 - Bare Soil/Clear Cut |
| 2100 - Freshwater Non-Forested Wetlands |
| 2110 - Prairies and Bogs |
| 2120 - Marshes |
| 2121 - Isolated Freshwater Marsh |
| 2123 - Floodplain Marsh |
| 2200 - Freshwater Forested Wetlands |
| 2210 - Cypress/Tupelo(incl Cy/Tu mixed) |
| 2211 - Cypress |
| 2212 - Tupelo |
| 2213 - Isolated Freshwater Swamp |
| 22131 - Dome Swamp |
| 22132 - Basin Swamp |
| 2214 - Strand Swamp |
| 2215 - Floodplain Swamp |
| 2220 - Other Coniferous Wetlands |
| 2221 - Wet Flatwoods |
| 2230 - Other Hardwood Wetlands |
| 2231 - Baygall |
| 2232 - Hydric Hammock |
| 2300 - Non-vegetated Wetland |
| 2400 - Cultural-Palustrine |
| 3000 - Lacustrine |
| 3100 - Natural Lakes and Ponds |
| 3200 - Cultural - Lacustrine |
| 4000 - Riverine |
| 4100 - Natural Rivers and Streams |
| 4200 - Cultural - Riverine |
| 5000 - Estuarine |
| 5100 - Subtidal |
| 52111 - Keys Tidal Rock Barren |
| 5220 - Tidal Flat |
| 5240 - Salt Marsh |
| 5250 - Mangrove Swamp |
| 5252 - Scrub Mangrove |
| 5300 - Cultural - Estuarine |
| 6000 - Marine |
| 7000 - Exotic Plants |
| 9100 - Unconsolidated Substrate |