Florida Fish and Wildlife
Conservation Commission
Fish and Wildlife
Research Institute
100 Eighth Avenue SE
St. Petersburg, Florida 33701
Mote Marine Laboratory
Tropical Research Laboratory
24244 Overseas Hwy.
Summerland Key, FL 33042
This project was funded in part by a grant awarded from Mote Marine Laboratory's Protect Our Reefs Grants Program, which is funded by proceeds from the sale of the Protect Our Reefs specialty license plate. Learn more at .
Additional funding for this project was obtained through the Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Fund.
Fish images © Diane Rome Peebles. Illustration provided for viewing purposes only.
Below are state fishing regulations for many of the popular sport fish caught in the Florida Keys. These regulations are current as of August 28, 2012.
A summary of recreational fishing regulations for Florida waters can be found by visiting FWC's Division of Marine Fisheries Management home page.
A summary of fishing regulations for federal waters can be found at Gulf of America Fisheries Management Council and South Altantic Fisheries Management Council. Additional fishing regulations are in place for the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary.
Be sure to check these sites for the the most current regulations before going out fishing.
Going spearfishing? Be sure to review Florida's spearfishing regulations. A pamphlet with spearfishing regulations for Monroe County (including the Sanctuary) is also available.
Fish Identification: Often, sport fish look very similar and are hard to identify. This can be a problem when the regulations are different for each species or if species are protected from harvest. To help with the identification of similar species, the identification sheets below were developed and contain simple, easily seen identification keys that will anglers identify similar species. These sheets can be printed using a desktop printer and taken out on the next fishing trip.
Know Your Florida Fish: Groupers (PDF, 1.14 MB)
Know Your Florida Fish: Mackerels (PDF, 1.45 MB)
Know Your Florida Fish: Snappers (PDF, 1.07 MB)
Fish, Stone Crab, and Spiny Lobster Measurement: Many of the fish caught in the Keys have a minimum length required before they can be kept; some have a maximum length, too. Fish are measured either to the fork of the tail or the fish's total length. Spiny lobster are measured by the length of their carapace. Not sure how to measure a fish's or lobster's length? Visit Saltwater Fish Measurement Guidelines, developed by FWC Division of Marine Fisheries.
Harvester: Regardless of what species you are fishing for, bag limits are only for properly licensed individuals and those people exempt from licensing requirements who are actively harvesting. People harvesting may not exceed the individual bag limit and take someone else's bag limit. That is, people (including children) who are not actively harvesting or are not properly licensed (if license is required) may NOT be counted for the purpose of bag limits.
Minimum size limit (fork length): Atlantic - 28", Gulf - 30"
Closed season: Atlantic - None, Gulf - June 1 to July 31
Daily recreation bag limit: 1 per harvester per day
Remarks: Fish must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (heads, fins, and tails intact). Additional gear rules apply.
Remarks: Catch and release only. Hook and line gear only. State regulations apply in federal waters.
DOLPHIN (Mahi-mahi, Dorado)
Minimum size limit (fork length): Atlantic - 20", Gulf - None
Closed season: None
Daily recreation bag limit: 10 per harvester per day, not to exceed 60 per vessel per day.
Remarks: Fish must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (heads, fins, and tails intact). To sell or exceed the daily bag limit, follow commercial regulations.
Minimum size limit (total length): Atlantic/Monroe County - 24", Gulf - 22"
Closed season: Atlantic/Monroe County Jan. 1 to Apr. 30.
Gulf - Feb. 1 to Mar. 31
Daily recreation bag limit: Atlantic/Monroe County: 1 per harvester per day.
Included with 3 per harvester per day grouper aggregate bag limit. No more than one fish may be Black Grouper or Gag, either individually or in a combination.
Gulf: - 4 per harvester per day.
Included with 4 per harvester per day grouper aggregate bag limit.
Remarks: Fish must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (heads, fins, and tails intact). Additional gear rules apply. Zero daily bag and possession limit for captain and crew on for-hire vessels. For more information about grouper regulations, visit FWC Grouper Fishery Information.
Minimum size limit (total length): Atlantic/Monroe County - 24", Gulf - 22"
Closed season: Atlantic/Monroe County Jan. 1 to Apr. 30.
Gulf - Open through Dec. 3, 2013. Closed starting Dec. 4, 2013. Please cheeck for more dates of 2013 Gulf open season.
Daily recreation bag limit: Atlantic/Monroe County: 1 per harvester per day.
Included with 3 per harvester per day grouper aggregate bag limit. No more than one fish may be Black Grouper or Gag, either individually or in a combination.
Gulf: - 2 per harvester per day.
Included with 4 per harvester per day grouper aggregate bag limit. No more than one fish may be Black Grouper or Gag, either individually or in a combination.
Remarks: Fish must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (heads, fins, and tails intact). Additional gear rules apply. Zero daily bag and possession limit for captain and crew on for-hire vessels. For more information about grouper regulations, visit FWC Grouper Fishery Information.
Remarks: It is illegal to harvest, land, puchase, sell or exchange goliath grouper. For inormation about goliath grouper, including catch-and-release guidelines, visit FWC's goliath grouper Web page
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Remarks: It is illegal to harvest, land, puchase, sell or exchange nassau grouper.
Minimum size limit (total length): All waters - 20"
Closed season: Atlantic/Monroe County Jan. 1 to Apr. 30.
Gulf - Feb. 1 to Mar 31
Daily recreation bag limit: Atlantic/Monroe County: 3 per harvester per day.
Included with 3 per harvester per day grouper aggregate bag limit.
Gulf: - 4 per harvester per day
Included with 4 per harvester per day grouper aggregate bag limit.
Remarks: Fish must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (heads, fins, and tails intact). Additional gear rules apply. Zero daily bag and possession limit for captain and crew on for-hire vessels. For more information about grouper regulations, visit FWC Grouper Fishery Information.
Minimum size limit (fork length): 12"
Closed season: None
Daily recreation bag limit: 5 per harvester per day
Remarks: Fish must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (heads, fins, and tails intact). Additional gear rules apply.
Remarks: This species is not regulated in Florida state waters. There is no limit to the size or number of fish that may be harvested. A license is not required to harvest by dip net, pole spear, or Hawaiian sling to harvest these fish. Anglers who catch lionfish with a hook and line or as bycatch in other legal gear need to have a recreational fishing license to take lionfish. A lionfish removal permit is required to harvest lionfish in the no-take zones of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. Permits are issued by the Sanctuary following training given by the Sanctuary and the Reef Environmental Education Foundation (REEF). For more information about lionfish in the Florida Keys, please visit one of th following Web sites: FWC, Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, or REEF.
WARNING: The fins of the lionfish house needle-like spines, each having a venom gland that will inject venom when something presses aginst the tip of the spine.
Remarks: This species is not regulated in Florida state waters.
Minimum size limit (fork length): 24"
Closed season: None
Daily recreation bag limit: 2 per harvester per day
Remarks: Fish must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (heads, fins, and tails intact). Bag limit in Gulf-Atlantic fishery reduced to 1 when federal waters are closed to all harvest. Call FWC South Regional Office for details.
Minimum size limit (fork length): 12"
Closed season: None
Daily recreation bag limit: 15 per harvester per day
Remarks: Fish must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (heads, fins, and tails intact). Transfer of Spanish mackerel to other vessels at sea is prohibited.

Minimum size limit (fork length):
Inside Special Permit Zone (SPZ): 22"
Outside SPZ: 11"
Maximum size limit (fork length):
Inside SPZ: None
Outside SPZ: 22"
Closed season:
Inside SPZ: May 1 to July 31
Outside SPZ: None
Daily recreation bag limit:
Inside SPZ: 1 per harvester per day
Outside SPZ: 2 per harvester per day
Remarks: For more information about the new permit regulations and the Special Permit Zone (SPZ), visit FWC's Permit and Pompano page. Fish must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (heads, fins, and tails intact). State regulations apply in federal waters. Hook and line only in state waters. Hook and line and spearing allowed in federal waters. Harvest prohibited by or with the use of any multiple hook in conjuction with live or dead bait.
Inside SPZ: Vessel restriction of no more than 2 permit.
Outside SPZ: May possess 1 over 22" fork length included in the per person bag limit. Vessel restriction of no more that 2 over 22" fork length

Minimum size limit (fork length): 24" fork
Closed season: None
Daily recreation bag limit: 2 per harvester per day
Remarks: Fish must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (heads, fins, and tails intact). State regulations apply in federal waters. Hook and line only. Harvest prohibited by or with the use of any multiple hook in conjuction with live or dead bait. Vessel restriction of no more than 2 African pompano.

Minimum size limit (fork length): 11" fork
Closed season: None
Daily recreation bag limit: 6 per harvester per day.
Remarks: Fish must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (heads, fins, and tails intact). State regulations apply in federal waters. Hook and line, cast net, and beach or haul seine. Harvest prohibited by or with the use of any multiple hook in conjuction with live or dead bait.
RED DRUM (Redfish)
Minimum size limit (total length): 18"
Maximum size limit (total length): 27"
Closed season: None
Daily recreation bag limit: 1 per harvester per day
Remarks: Gigging, spearing, snatching prohibited. Harvest in federal waters also prohibited. Fish must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (heads, fins, and tails intact). Harvest prohibited by or with the use of any multiple hook in conjuction with live or dead bait.
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SNAPPER, GRAY (Mangrove)
Minimum size limit (total length): 10"
Closed season: None
Daily recreation bag limit: 5 per harvester per day
Remarks: Included within 10 per harvester per day snapper aggregate bag limit. Fish must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (heads, fins, and tails intact). Additional gear rules apply.
Minimum size limit (total length): 8"
Closed season: None
Daily recreation bag limit: Atlantic: 10 per harvester per day
Gulf: - None.
Remarks: Fish must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (heads, fins, and tails intact). Additional gear rules apply. Included within 10 per harvester per day snapper aggregate bag limit in all Altantic waters.
Minimum size limit (total length): 16"
Closed season: None
Daily recreation bag limit: None
Remarks: Included within 10 per harvester per day snapper aggregate bag limit. Fish must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (heads, fins, and tails intact). Additional gear rules apply.
Minimum size limit (total length): 12"
Closed season: None
Daily recreation bag limit: None
Remarks: Included within 10 per harvester per day snapper aggregate bag limit. Fish must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (heads, fins, and tails intact). Additional gear rules apply.
Minimum size limit (total length): All waters - 28"
Maximum size limit (total length): Gulf/Monroe County/Everglades NP - 33"
Atlantic - 32"
Closed season: Gulf/Monroe County/Everglades NP - through Aug. 31, 2013
Atlantic - Dec. 15 to Jan. 31, June 1 to Aug. 31
Daily recreation bag limit: 1 per harvester per day
Remarks: Snook permit required for harvest when saltwater license required. State regulations apply in federal waters. Illegal to buy or sell snook. Fish must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (heads, fins, and tails intact). Snatch hooks and spearing prohibited. Harvest prohibited by or with the use of any multiple hook in conjuction with live or dead bait.
Minimum size limit: 3" carapace (measured in the water. The possession and use of a measuring device is required at all times)
Open season: Regular season - Aug. 6 to Mar. 31
Sport season - Open last consecutive Wed. and July
Daily recreation bag limit: Regular season 6 per person per day
Sport season - 6 per person per day in Biscayne National Park and Monroe County, 12 per person per day in other waters.
Possesion limit:
Regular season - On water, equal to daily bag limit
Sport season - On water, equal to the daily bag limit. Off water, equal to the daily bag limit on the first day, and double the daily bag limit on the second day.
Remarks: Local regulations may be in effect. For more information about lobster regulations, visit FWC's Spiny Lobster regulation page.Recreational trapping prohibited. Spiny lobster permit required when recreational license required. Harvest of egg-bearing females prohibited.
SPOTTED SEATROUT (Speckled Seatrout)
Minimum size limit (total length): 15"
Maximum size limit (total length): 20" (one fish may be greater than 20" per person)
Closed season: None
Daily recreation bag limit: 4 per harvester per day in Southwest and Southeast Regions
Remarks: Southwest region includes state waters lying south of the and west of a line running due west from the westernmost point of Fred Howard Park Causeway to the Miami-Dade - Monroe County line on the Atlantic Ocean. The Southwest Region includes waters north of the Miami-Dade - Monroe County line to the Flagler - Volusia County line. Fish must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (heads, fins, and tails intact). Harvest prohibited by or with the use of any multiple hook in conjuction with live or dead bait.
Minimum size limit: 2 3/4" claw
Closed season: May 16 to Oct. 14
Daily recreation bag limit: 1 gallon claws per harvester or 2 gallons per vessel, whichever is less.
Remarks: 5 traps maximum. Trap requirements apply. Illegal to possess whole crab. Harvest of egg-bearing crabs prohibited.
Minimum size limit: None
Closed season: None
Daily recreation bag limit: 2 fish possession limit. New regulations are in effect starting Sep. 1. For more information about these changes, please visit FWC Tarpon Fishery Information
Remarks: Requires $50 tarpon tag to possess or harvest. Snatching and spearing prohibited.
Minimum size limit (total length): 15"
Closed season: None
Daily recreation bag limit: 2 per harvester per day
Remarks: Hook and line gear only. No snatch hooks. Fish must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (heads, fins, and tails intact). Harvest prohibited by or with the use of any multiple hook in conjuction with live or dead bait.
Minimum size limit (fork length): Atlantic - 12", Gulf - 14"
Closed season: Atlantic - None, Gulf - June 1 to July 31
Daily recreation bag limit: Atlantic - None, Gulf - 2 fish per person
Remarks: Fish must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (heads, fins, and tails intact). Additional gear rules apply. Triggerfish, except Gray and Ocean, have landing and live well requirements.
Remarks: This species is not regulated in Florida state waters.
Remarks: This species is not regulated in Florida state waters.
Minimum size limit: None
Maximum size limit: None
Closed season:None
Daily recreation bag limit: 2 per harvester per day
Remarks: Fish must remain in whole condition until landed ashore (heads, fins, and tails intact). To sell or exceed the daily bag limit, follow commercial regulations
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If you are out snorkeling, diving, fishing, paddling, or boating and see anything that may be unusual or out of the ordinary (including lionfish) in the waters around the Keys , please record the location, date, and time, and contact the Marine Ecosystem Event Response and Assessment (MEERA) project. They can be reached by phone (305-395-8730), e-mail, or online.
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about this Web site, please e-mail us at
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