Name: Environmentally Sensitive Areas - Southeast United States, PR and USVI
Display Field: NAME
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPoint
Description: These data have been created to represent areas that are environmentally and economically sensitive to oil and hazardous material spills. These data were originally created and assembled by the NOAA Scientific Support Coordinator for US Coast Guard District Seven in circa 1992-1993 in cooperation with local Area Committees in accordance with regulations set forth by the National Response Plan of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990. They were provided to FWC-FWRI (Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission - Fish and Wildlife Research Institute, (at that time known as the Florida Marine Research Institute) in the fall of 2003 as shapefiles (in geographic, decimal degrees, NAD 83 datum) and PDF maps for each of the US Coast Guard's Marine Safety Office Areas of Responsibility (Captain of the Port Zones for Miami (at that time consisting of both Sector Miami and Sector Key West), Tampa, Jacksonville, Savannah, Charleston, and Puerto Rico/US Virgin Islands).
In the Fall & Winter of 2003, FWC-FWRI map-joined all of these shapefile data layers into a single contiguous layer, then converted the data into a Microsoft Access database for updating. In the Winter & Spring of 2003-2004 FWC-FWRI updated contact information and other attribute data to expand and improve upon the database so it could be used as a core business data layer for the Marine Resources Geographic Information System (MRGIS) library. Using various spatial coding functions, such as "assign data by location", additional attribute information has been added to the spatial database. Some examples are: The NOAA Nautical Chart the point can be found on, the USGS Quad the point can be found on, the Environmental Sensitivity Index map the point can be found on, the Latitude & Longitude in two data formats (Decimal Degrees and Degrees, Minutes, Seconds (with special characters for each unit), and others. These data were maintained as a part of the MRGIS Library and used with report generating software to update the information as needed for the creation of new printed "Oil Spill Sensitive Site" record documents for spill contingency planning and response purposes.
In March of 2007, FWC-FWRI partnered with USCG Sector Mobile (part of USCG District 8) to catalog the oil spill sensitive areas within the Sector Mobile boundary, which includes the Panhandle of Florida, coastal Alabama, and coastal Mississippi. Work had previously been performed in a workshop environment to identify and catalog these areas, but NOT in a spatial manner. FWRI began this work by systematically geocoding the previously identified locations and entering the attribute information that was available into the same database structure that was in place for USCG District 7 (as mentioned above). The goal was to create a consistent dataset for the southeastern United States and Puerto Rico/US Virgin Islands. Once the basic geocoding was complete, a workshop was scheduled and key stakeholder agency representatives were invited to attend and review and augment this dataset for Sector Mobile. This workshop was at the end of March 2007 and working group members were recruited from the Area Committee and those key stakeholders recommended by the Area Committee.
Through the years of 2008-2009, FWC-FWRI partnered with the US Coast Guard and Florida Department of Environmental Protection - Bureau of Emergency Response to conduct a series of workshops to review and update these detailed Geographic Response Plan (GRP) data and maps for revised Digital Area Contingency Plans. As with Sector Mobile, the GRP Revision workshop attendees were from or determined by the specific Area Committee of each Sector. Please see process steps for more information about the history of the data.
The process of data entry is ongoing at FWRI as of July 2011. Data will be entered and undergo quality assurance/quality control processes before new data sheets and maps are re-produced for distribution and inclusion into Digital Area Contingency Plans and other GIS and/or map products. A versioned geodatabase has been created in SQL/SDE to track changes and manage data entry as well as digital QA/QC processes, such as consistency checks. A map service has also been created that is available to all the public and stakeholder community to view the latest version of this geodata. The map service displays data directly from the Enterprise versioned database.
These data are used in BOTH a spatial manner and in the traditional database manner. The spatial version is used to produce response maps and in a GIS (The Florida Marine Spill Analysis System and Digital Area Contingency Plans) to provide timely, accurate, and valuable information to responders and in the traditional database manner to populate reports used in producing area contingency plan maps and data sheets. Maps are produced (as PDF) with the sensitive area sites depicted on them, they are then "hyperlinked" in PDF to the data sheet that contains the attribute data for the site in a customized data report form. The report form contains information on key stakeholders for the area, wildlife resources to be protected, nearby staging areas, recommended protection strategies, the latitude/longitude of the site, and other response related information needed by first responders.
Copyright Text: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission-Fish and Wildlife Research Institute
Description: According to the National Incident Management System (NIMS), and the Incident Command System (ICS), the Incident Command Post (ICP) is one of five predesignated temporary facilities and signifies the physical location of the tactical-level, on-scene incident command and management organization. It typically comprises the Incident Commander and immediate staff and may include other designated incident management officials and responders from Federal, State, local, and tribal agencies, as well as private-sector, nongovernmental, and volunteer organizations.Typically, the ICP is located at or in the immediate vicinity of the incident site and is the focus for the conduct of direct, on-scene control of tactical operations. Incident planning is also conducted at the ICP; an incident communications center also would normally be established at this location. The ICP may be collocated with the incident base, if the communications requirements can be met. The ICP may perform local Emergency Operations Center-like functions in the context of smaller jurisdictions or less complex incident scenarios. It is commonly marked with a green emergency light, so as to be distinguished from a distance.
Copyright Text: Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI)
Description: Staging and Response Locations collected by GPS for Mississippi, Alabama, and the Florida Panhandle prior to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. The locations for the Peninsular portion of Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands have been compiled from numerous sources into this database schema and will at some later date (after Nov. 2010) be verified and validated by GPS.
Staging and response locations were identified first by defining the types of locations that fit these descriptions. The broad categories were defined as Boat Ramp, Marina, Staging Area, or any combination of these. A marina may contain a boat ramp as well as a large parking lot with a seawall suitable for deploying equipment into the water. A staging area may contain just a waterfront park with access to the water, but no boat ramp or marina, but perhaps a dock or pier. These categories and attributes were used to design a specific database schema to collect information on these geographic features that could be used on a GPS-enabled field data collection device. Once the categories of information to be collected and the specifics of what types of information to be collected within each category were determined (the database schema), mobile devices were programmed to accomplish this task and area committee volunteers were used to conduct the field surveys. Field crews were given training on the devices. Guided by base maps identifying potential locations, they then traveled into the field to validate and collect specific GPS and attribute data on those locations. This was a cooperative effort between many federal, state, and local entities guided by FWC-FWRI that resulted in detailed and location-specific information on 366 staging area locations within Sector Mobile and a comprehensive GIS data set that is available on the DVD ROM and website as well a being used in the Geographic Response Plan Map Atlas production.
Cyber-Tracker was the software used for this field data collection. Cyber-Tracker is a "shareware" software package developed as a data-capture tool designed for use in Environmental Conservation, Wildlife Biology and Disaster Relief. The software runs on numerous types of mobile devices and designing custom data capture processes for these devices requires no programming experience. Funded in large part by the European Commission and patroned by Harvard University, Cyber-Tracker Software has been a very valuable tool in the data collection efforts of this project. Cyber-Tracker Software can be found on the Internet at: <>.
Copyright Text: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission-Fish and Wildlife Research Institute
Description: These data have been created to spatially represent the placement of mechanical collection devices such as vacuum trucks and skimmers in association with the General Oil Spill Booming Strategies produced for Geographic Response Plan mapping purposes as part of US Coast Guard sponsored Digital Area Contingency Plans for Oil Spill Response.
Skimmer locations are on the water locations that oil is corralled into using boom and a floating mechanical device then skims the oil off of the surface of the water.
Collection Point locations are those places on the shoreline that oil is corralled into using boom where a vacuum truck may be placed to vacuum the oil off of the water surface or places where it may have made landfall.
These locations are different than "Natural Marine Debris Collection Locations", which are areas that have been identified from local knowledge that seaweed, garbage, and other marine debris typically accumulate due to natural weather processes.
Copyright Text: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission-Fish and Wildlife Research Institute
Description: Natural collection points (convergence zones) are areas that typically have large amounts of accumulating sargassum and other marine debris. Surface currents and wind patterns regularly push floating mats of organic/inorganic material to the same location where it becomes trapped or requires counter weather conditions to outflow. Many boat ramps, harbors and intracoastal waterways near inlets can create geographic boundaries where marine debris will consistently aggregate.
Copyright Text: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission- Fish and Wildlife Research Institute
Description: This is a point feature class describing the location of potential spill sources/locations within the boundaries of responsibilities of the United States Coast Guard District 7/8 Sectors: Charleston (including MSU Savannah), Jacksonville, Miami, Key West, Saint Petersburg, Mobile (District 8), and San Juan. The data was collected from ACP workshops and USCG from each Sector. The information was then digitized in Arc/Info 9.3 in 'heads-up' manner within the ACP Map extent using aerial imagery and other reference features as background coverage. This information was then converted to an ESRI shapefile for use in the Digital Area Contingency Plans produced by FWRI for USCG District Seven/Eight.
Copyright Text: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission-Fish and Wildlife Research Institute
Description: This is a point feature class describing the location of stored equipment used for Oil Spill Response within the boundaries of responsibilities of the United States Coast Guard District 7/8 Sectors: Charleston (including MSU Savannah), Jacksonville, Miami, Key West, Saint Petersburg, Mobile (District 8), and San Juan. The data was collected from ACP workshops from each Sector. The information was then digitized in Arc/Info 9.3 in 'heads-up' manner within the ACP Map extent using aerial imagery and other reference features as background coverage. This information was then converted to an ESRI shapefile for use in the Digital Area Contingency Plans produced by FWRI for USCG District Seven/Eight.
Copyright Text: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission-Fish and Wildlife Research Institute
Description: Descriptive inventory of public access boat ramps throughout Florida, derived from raw data produced during the Florida Boating Access Facilities Inventory and Economic Study, FWC contract Number 04/05-23, product delivered August 30, 2009. This data set is modified from the original format and supplemented by additional data maintained by FWC. These data will eventually evolve into a planned integrated boating access facilities inventory system. This data set is a selection of facilities from the raw data set that the contractor identified to be in operation and accessible to the general public during the time of data compilation. This data set includes both government managed facilities accessible to the general public and commerciality operated facilities accessible to the general public. In both cases a fee might be charged for use of the facility. The attribute fields included in this data set are a subset of those available in the raw data set. These attribute fields were selected and modified to present only attribute information that might be of most interest to the general public desiring to use these facilities. This modified data set is meant to be an interim data set for public dissemination until a more robust database application is constructed to provide interactive access to the original data via web services. Currently these data are considered preliminary and are not verified by FWC as to accuracy and completeness.
Copyright Text: Funded by a grant from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Program awarded to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. The overlying project is titled Florida Boating Access Facilities Inventory and Economic Study. Original data compilation conducted under sub-contract to the Urban Harbors Institute at the University of Massachusetts through contract number FWC 04/05-23 and product delivered August 30, 2009. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, and Lee County commissioned the body of work from which these data are derived. The University of Massachusetts at Boston Urban Harbors Institute was lead contractor. Bordner Research Associates conducted field inspections. The project was commissioned in 2005 and titled the Florida Boating and Access Facilities Inventory and Economic Study.
Description: These data represent a descriptive and photographic inventory of public beach access locations throughout the state of Florida. These data do not represent a complete and comprehensive inventory of public beach access locations. During the time period of data collection Florida experienced numerous hurricanes and tropical storms. Therefore many public beach access sites were either closed, destroyed or otherwise not accessible during the time of data collection and are not included in these data. Additionally, a URL hyperlink field was added to jump to an online photo gallery of each beach access location in May 2007. New beach access locations were added during the Geographic Response Plan workshop process by the US Coast Guard and their respective Area Committees as part of the larger project termed the Digital Area Contingency Plan.
Copyright Text: Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI)
Name: Tidal Inlet Names, Locations, and Basic Circulation Dynamics
Display Field: NAME
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPoint
Description: These data represent the center points of Tidally Influenced Inlets throughout the Southeast United States and US Caribbean and were created as a place to collect and spatially collate data about the circulation dynamics of these inlets for use in oil spill response and response planning as part of both the Florida Marine Spill Analysis System (FMSAS) and USCG Digital Area Contingency Plans (ACPs) - Geographic Response Plans (GRPs).
Copyright Text: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission-Fish and Wildlife Research Institute
Description: "Delineation of Inland/Coastal Boundary Line Within EPA Region 4 and USCG Districts 5, 7, and 8 Captain of the Port Areas,” which is described in Appendix 1 of the US Coast Guard and US Environmental Protection Agency Region 4 MOA. (MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN U. S. COAST GUARD FIFTH, SEVENTH, AND EIGHTH DISTRICTS AND U. S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, REGION 4 REGARDING RESPONSE BOUNDARIES FOR OIL AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES POLLUTION INCIDENTS AND FEDERAL ON-SCENE COORDINATOR RESPONSIBILITIES, signed October 29, 2013)
Description: This data layer was created by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Region 4 office to spatially represent the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the EPA and the U.S. Coast Guard's 5th, 6th & 7th Districts. The portions of this layer in Florida were developed by the Florida Marine Research Institute (FMRI) for the U.S. Coast Guard. The other portions of this layer were developed by the EPA and merged together with the FMRI's Florida portion.
Name: General Oil Spill Booming Strategies - Length in Ft
Display Field: BOOM_LEN
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolyline
Description: These data have been created to represent General/Suggested Oil Spill Protective Booming Strategies designed to protect areas that are environmentally and economically sensitive to oil and hazardous material spills (Oil Spill Sensitive Areas). These data were originally created and assembled by the NOAA Scientific Support Coordinator for US Coast Guard District Seven in circa 1992-1993 in cooperation with local Area Committees in accordance with regulations set forth by the National Response Plan of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990. They were provided to FWC-FWRI (Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission - Fish and Wildlife Research Institute, (at that time known as the Florida Marine Research Institute) in the fall of 2003 as paper maps and PDF maps for each of the US Coast Guard's Marine Safety Office (MSO) Areas of Responsibility (Captain of the Port Zones for Miami (at that time consisting of both what are now known as Sector Miami and Sector Key West), Tampa (now Sector Saint Petersburg), Jacksonville, Savannah, Charleston, and San Juan (Puerto Rico/US Virgin Islands)).
In 1999-2000, FWC-FWRI began the process of digitizing the boom strategies depicted on these paper and PDF maps into arc (line) shapefiles, beginning with the maps from MSO Tampa, followed by MSO Miami, then MSO Jacksonville. In the Winter & Spring of 2003-2004 FWC-FWRI mapjoined these data to expand and improve upon the database so it could be used as a core business data layer for the Marine Resources Geographic Information System (MRGIS) library. Using various spatial coding functions, such as "calculate length" and "build geometry", additional attribute information has been added to the spatial database to generate length in feet and meters for summary and reporting purposes. An example of where this can be useful is when performing a spatial selection a summary of the total length of boom can be easily generated. These data are maintained as a part of the MRGIS Library and used with automated map production software to create new printed Geographic Response Plan maps for spill contingency planning and response purposes. Through the years of 2008-2009, FWC-FWRI partnered with the US Coast Guard and Florida Department of Environmental Protection - Bureau of Emergency Response to conduct a series of workshops to review and update these detailed Geographic Response Plan (GRP) data and maps for revised Digital Area Contingency Plans. The GRP revision workshop attendees were from or determined by the specific Area Committee of each Sector. The process of data entry and maintenance is ongoing at FWRI as of July 2011. Data will be entered and undergo quality assurance/quality control processes before new maps are re-produced for distribution and inclusion into Digital Area Contingency Plans and other GIS and/or map products. A versioned geodatabase has been created in SQL/SDE to track changes and manage data entry as well as digital QA/QC processes, such as consistency checks. A map service has also been created that is available to all the public and stakeholder community to view the latest version of this geodata. The map service displays data directly from the Enterprise versioned database.
The spatial data is used to produce response maps and in a GIS (The Florida Marine Spill Analysis System and Digital Area Contingency Plans) to provide timely, accurate, and valuable information to oil spill responders. Maps are produced (as PDF) with the sensitive area sites and protective boom strategies depicted on them. The maps are then "hyperlinked" in PDF to the sensitive area detail data sheets that contain the attribute data for the site in a data report form. The report form contains information on key stakeholders for the area, wildlife resources to be protected, nearby staging areas, recommended protection strategies (a verbal description of the booming strategy depicted on the map), the latitude/longitude of the site, and other response related information needed by first responders. The Booming Strategies have been developed by professional oil spill responders who have participated in the Geographic Response Plan Revision Workshops described. Please see process steps for more information about the history of the GRP revision workshops. NOTE: Booming Strategies were not done at the Sector Mobile (USCG District 7) GRP Workshop. These have been compiled from approved booming strategies related to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill response and are NOT YET approved as "Official Area Contingency Plan" booming strategies.
Copyright Text: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission-Fish and Wildlife Research Institute
Color: [255, 255, 255, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: baseline Horizontal Alignment: left Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 7 Font Family: Arial Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none
Description: These data describe the locations and characteristics of the pre-planned recommended Tidal Inlet Protection booming strategies for oil spill response within the boundaries of the State of Florida These strategies were designed by experienced coastal geomorphologists with an intimate knowledge of the physical processes and dynamics of tidal inlets and how best to defend them against the passage of floating oil. THESE ARE RECOMMENDED STRATEGIES - NOT SUGGESTED STRATEGIES.
These data were created from information provided by Marine Spill Response Corporation (MSRC) under contact to the state. Orginal strategies were produced by Research Planning, Inc., under contract to MSRC. These data were not provided to the state as geospatial data, but were subsequently digitized (heads-up) into GIS data by the Florida Marine Research Institute in 2000 - 2001. The creation and maintenance of these data as a statewide coverage is a continuing project in cooperation with United States Coast Guard District Seven, NOAA, and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Law Enforcment, Bureau of Emergency Response.
Information on boom locations, boom types, and conditions of use for each were digittized in Arc/Info 8.0 for UNIX and then subsequently converted to an ESRI Shapefile for use in the South Florida Area Contingency Plan, the Tampa Bay Area Contingency Plan, and Jacksonville Area Contingency Plan. Work on creating data for the Panhandle of Florida is continuing into 2006.
Copyright Text: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission-Fish and Wildlife Research Institute
Description: This includes potential protection strategies for 84 tidal inlets in USCG Sectors Jacksonville, Miami, Key West, and St. Petersburg. The proposed strategies emphasize flood-tidal conditions, because the basic assumption is that the strategy be designed to deal with spilled oil coming to the inlet from the open ocean. These proposed potential strategies are based on the information at hand on waves and tidal currents. Where such data are missing, inferences based on the geomorphology were used.
Copyright Text: Prepared by Miles O. Hayes, Jeffrey Dahlin, and Joseph Holmes, Research Planning, Inc. This project was funded under a contract with the United States Coast Guard [CO, CG, BSU Miami (fp); Felicia R. Anderson. Contracting Officer]. Regional Response Team IV & Caribbean RRT Coordinator Earle McFarlane was the contract coordinator and his overview and constant assistance throughout the project is gratefully acknowledged. Brad Benggio, the NOAA Scientific Support Coordinator, with offices in Miami, also contributed to the success of the project in a number of ways. The original field survey in 1994 was sponsored by the Marine Spill Response Corporation (MSRC), with Anita Wooldridge as contract monitor, and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, with Bill Keenan as contract monitor. All of the protection strategies presented in the original publication document (Marine Spill Response Corporation/Florida Department of Environmental Protection, 1994a) were arrived at collectively by a field team consisting of Miles O. Hayes and Todd Montello of RPI; Anita Wooldridge, Bob Ireland and Fernando Martinez of MSRC; and a representative of the State of Florida, either Kent Reetz, Kathy Patterson, or Al McGough. At RPI, Jacqui Michel is acknowledged for serving as project manager of the present activity, and Wendy Early and Jack Moore are acknowledged for sharing the responsibility of producing the final product.
Name: Geographic Response Plan Index - SE USA PR VI
Display Field: MAP_NUM
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: These data represent the Geographic Response Plan Map Boundaries for Digital Area Contingency Plan Geographic Response Plan maps. They are designed to coincide with the map boundaries of the "Sensitivity of Coastal Habitats and Wildlife to Spilled Oil" Atlases (also known as Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI)) for the same region. In some circumstances the ESI index was extended to areas of concern for the geographic response plan that were not mapped in the ESI maps. The Florida Keys are one particular instance where the GRPs were extended to cover all of Florida Bay and more areas of the Dry Tortugas to map and account for benthic resources that could be at risk.
Copyright Text: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission-Fish and Wildlife Research Institute
Description: The Coast Guard Sectors are delineated in the description in the 33 CFR for each Sector Boundary & Area of Responsibility where latitude and longitude coordinates as well as county/state/national boundaries are included to describe the boundaries for each zone. In addition, whenever the Area of Responsibility boundary is over water the EEZ shapefile is referenced for those occurrences. This layer covers the Coast Guard Sector Boundaries for the following sectors: Boston, Long Island Sound, Delaware Bay, Baltimore, Key West, Miami, Mobile, Los Angeles-Long Beach, San Diego, Guam, Honolulu, San Juan, Buffalo, Detroit, Lake Michigan, Sault Ste. Marie, North Carolina, Honolulu, Northern New England, New York, Charleston, Portland, Seattle, Savannah, Corpus Christi, Hampton Roads, Houston-Galveston, New Orleans, Lower Mississippi River, Upper Mississippi River, Ohio Valley, Southeastern New England, San Francisco, St. Petersburg, Jacksonville, Anchorage and Juneau.
Copyright Text: United States Coast Guard Districts Operations Systems Center
Name: Coastal County Divisions for Shoreline Cleanup Operations
Display Field: DIVISION
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: These Coastal County Divisions are a data product produced in cooperation by The Response Group and the Florida Fish and Wildlfie Conservation Commission's Fish and Wildlfie Research Institute - Center for Spatial Analysis to represent Operational Areas for Response to the Mississippi Canyon - 252 - Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Incident.
This data set was originally created by the Respose Group (TRG), but has been subsequently edited and expanded to match with established county boundaries and include landward bay and estuary areas. Coverage has been expanded around Florida, the Florida Keys, and the Florida East Coast to the Florida/Georgia state line.
This dataset will become the official Operational Areas for the Florida Peninsular Command Post. The improvements in boundary matching that has been done for Sector Mobile should also be considered in using this data set to replace the existing Operational Areas in that region also.
Color: [0, 168, 132, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: bottom Horizontal Alignment: center Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 10 Font Family: Arial Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none
Description: This GIS data set represents various maritime limits of the United States, in the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Oceans. NOAA's Office of Coast Survey (OCS) is responsible for generating the 3 Nautical Mile Line, Territorial Sea, Contiguous Zone, and Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Traditionally, these maritime limits have been generated by hand from the low water line depicted on paper, U.S. nautical charts. Upon final approval by the U.S. Baseline Committee, these legally-binding maritime limits are applied to the next edition of nautical charts produced by the Marine Chart Division of OCS.FWRI staff downloaded the available limits from NOAA's Web site: <> . For other boundaries that were not available on NOAA's site, (Florida 9 mile Natural Resources line, Florida-Alabama State line, and Louisiana Inshore Territorial Sea boundary), FWRI staff heads up digitized these from Nautical Charts, DRG's, or obtained from other sources.
Copyright Text: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission-Fish and Wildlife Research Institute
Description: This GIS data set comprises a portion of the Gulf-Wide Information System (G-WIS) database for the entire coastal zone of Florida and the lower St. Johns River. These data characterize coastal environments and wildlife resources for environmental planning and natural resource management purposes. The G-WIS data include three main components: Shoreline habitats, sensitive biological resources, and human-use resources. This data set contains the information for INDEX (GT-Polygon).
The G-WIS data are updated and re-formatted Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) data published from 1995-1997. The ESI data were collected, mapped, and digitized to provide environmental data for oil spill planning and response and other environmental planning and natural resource purposes. The Clean Water Act with amendments by the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 requires response plans for immediate and effective protection of sensitive resources.
Copyright Text: Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI)